Tuesday, April 26, 2005


放工後去了Yorkdale, 本來只想去Holt Renfrew 買Kiehl's, 可是卻在Sephora 失守~ 買了Philosophy-- The Great Mystery, 本來連The Greatest Love 都想買, 還是放棄啦, 下次再買啦~ 又買了Joey New York-- Pure Pores~ 前者是個1分鐘的mask, 會讓你的肌膚變得像絲舨柔滑~ 後者則是來清理黑頭, 粗糙的毛孔和多餘的面油~
在Kiehl's 買了日常的Skin Care, 就去Origins 了~ 買了You Are Getting Warmer 和 Out of Trouble~ 前者是深層潔淨Mask, 聽說用時會暖~ 後者則是拯救Mask, 在暗瘡的侵略下, 可以舒緩那些緊繃的皮膚~
一天之內花了$17x... 你殺了我吧!!!!!!!
(本來還想買Anna Sui 的香水... $_$)

Sunday, April 24, 2005


昨天好不容易撐了過去, 今天難道又是我自己一個嗎?!
今天好多了, 不過左眼還是很痛, 所以最近都不敢戴contact lens... 怕眼睛從此就沒了... 我還要當飛機師的~~~
租了那套動話get backers 還沒看完一片... (想死!!!) 還好, 我還有2天的時間, 看來我要努力一點了!!!
昨天9點就關燈睡覺了, 真的很辛苦呀!!!!


作詞:蕭賀碩 作曲:蕭賀碩 編曲:Terence Teo 演唱:Jenny Yang

走了那麼遠 發現你不在身邊  獨自走過了什麼 自己都不了解  未來的藍圖應該有你 不該只剩嘆息  只是偶爾 淚流不停
*堅強的理由 只是自己騙自己  你眼中的恐懼 說什麼都多餘  付出的一切值不值得 永遠不會有答案  只有天知道我有多麼愛你
#一顆心屬於一個人 在愛情裡什麼算公平  愛的深也傷的深 是不是催眠了自己
@一顆心屬於我自己 愛情裡找不到公平  而當你最後選擇了逃避 我學會不公平 (Repeat *#@#@)  本來就不公平

Saturday, April 23, 2005



Friday, April 22, 2005

嘩!!! CAD$2242 退稅呀!!!

今天一整天都提不起勁, 而且覺得好冷... 應該是快生病吧~ 雖然是這樣, 我還是去了accountant 哪裡去~ 在他那裡, 我簡直快要暈過去啦... 不過聽到自己有$2242 的退稅, 我就好開心~
Jen 陪我去了pacific mall 吃lunch~ 由於知道自己有那麼多的退稅, 所以就買了512mb 的mini SD card~ 哈~ 從此以後, 我就可以用我的手機聽歌~ 嘿嘿~ 把mp3都存在 mini SD card~ 我的手機就成了我的iPod~ 嘿嘿~

Thursday, April 21, 2005


買了一個星期, 今日總算有空(記得) 拿來看~ 之前已經知道, 這部戲超感人, 完全要你哭死沒命賠~ 不過, 我哭的只有在亞紀生日的哪天, 超感人, 連最近不太會哭的我, 眼淚都自動自覺跑出來~ 記得上一部讓我哭的電影是"愛‧回家" 哪一部電影是我哭的最慘的~ 是一部描述親情的電影, 戲裡面的小孩像極小時候的熊貓~ 雖然, 我並沒有那麼調皮, 但有些地方還是很相似~ 而在戲裡的外婆就讓我想起我在香港的奶奶~ 到現在, 我還是沒辦法再去重看這部電影, 我怕... 我怕哪種哭死的感覺, 我怕這會讓我有很多的不捨~ 嗚...
今日整天都在作病, 頭痛到死....
P.S. "在世界中心呼喚愛" 的主題曲是Ken Hirai 唱的原裝日版的"我可以"~ 愛死!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

好想要Misia 同Ken Hirai 既日版CD

今日發現yesasia 網內有仔仔同F4 日版寫真, 即刻自動自覺奉獻~ 剛剛才還的卡數, 天文數字即將再現~ 一直很想要仔的日版寫真, 因為有仔為Parco 拍的照片~ 那時的仔好帥~ 聽說F4 將會到日本拍寫真集, 又是熊貓我超期待~ 雖然, 最近反日行動非常激烈, 但我相信和平的仔仔, 一定能夠撫平一切不安的情緒~ 聽說仔仔又接拍電視劇, 好像會跟"大長今" 入面的主角合作~ 好期待呀!! 據說, F4明年1月在港開演唱會, 我想我一定要回去支持仔~ 不過, 我先要儲錢!!!!
在yesasia 逛了好久, 發現有很多CD都是自己想擁有~ 其中Misia 跟Ken Hirai 的日版CD 都很有衝動去買~ 但, 現在的我經濟不景, 又要儲錢等返HK, 還是節制一下~

Sunday, April 17, 2005


昨天Jen 打來跟我說今天BBQ, 我還跟她說不要鬧啦~ 不過, 我真的有叫我媽去準備~ Pam 整天都沒回來, 我自己一個看家... 幸好有帶laptop, 要不, 我看我真的會快悶死啦~ 7點我就關門去接Jen去Padraic 家, 沒辦法呀, 我不會去~
我們到達時, 他們正在家搓麻將~ 大概8點我們就開始準備, 好久沒有BBQ囉~ 好懷念耶~ 我叫我媽準備了她最拿手的東東~ 還買了我最愛的sweet potato~ 嘿嘿~ 我們玩了大摡4個小時, 好好玩呀~ 不過呢, 到了晚上天氣還是很冷耶!!! 我們一邊烤, 一邊喊冷(完全是自作孽!!!)
回到家, 我發現手腳都好像不是自己... 好累呀!!!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

You Know You're From Hong Kong When...

You Know You're From Hong Kong When...
You go to Chinese restaurants to yum cha every day. I used to do that when I'm in HK
You go to concerts more than going to church. I would say I prefer, but not in reality
Your backpack weighed more than 40 pounds since primary school. er... think so, but not anymore!!
You love to put stickers with Chinese phrases on your car. Sorry, I like my car being plain~
Your regular slang includes: pk and dnlm. Yes, especially when I was annoyed!!
You love the number "8" (bak). nope... sorry...
You have a pager. I used to~ in SG~
You wear a pair of oval-shaped glasses even though you don't need one. No, I dun like wearing glasses!!
You call your secondary male teachers AH-SIR. yes....
You call your secondary female teachers MISSE. yep yep~
You wear designer clothes. er... Agnes b... that counts?! think so~
You wished to join RHKPD when you were young. RHKPD???? what's that?!
You had at least one nick name throughout your primary and secondary school. Seems I get my nick when I'm @ work~
You are proud of your nationality - BDTC/BNO. I'm proud of being borned in HK!!
You could drink alcoholic beverages LEGALLY when you are 18. ya...s o?!.
You like to drive Japanese/European cars but not American. YES!!!!
You know what "Form One Jai" means. Sec 1 students?!
You don't call lottery as "lotto." You call it "Mark Six" instead. Ya, so?!
You are so "inch" (tsoon). Yes!
You only use the word "toilet," you never use the words "bathroom," or "restroom." erm, seems true... but changed since I came to Canada~
You started singing karaoke when you were five. Yah... I start singing K when I was a kid
You drive an Integra. nah... mine is a Lancer~ ^+++^
You are an expert in MJ. MJ=mahjong?! know it, but not expert
You tip only 10% in Hong Kong. Well, it is on the bill, fixed 10%
You prefer Sony or Aiwa. Well, Sony~
You have more than 30 cousins. NO!!!
You know what this means: hem ga chan. Diu Nei!!!
Ancient HKers call police as "Green Clothes." er think so~
You don't know much about the "Basic Law." No, I don't... who cares?!
You can't tell the difference between "Welcome" and "Wellcome." Wellcome is a supermarket!!
You have many many credit cards. 2, does that count a lot?!
You usually have more than two DVD players at home. I do have 2, but 1 is not working!!!
You love to wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. I only like Agnes b or A.P.C
You love to gossip about HK entertainment. Ya... especially those I dun like!!! :p
You like discos. Never been to one~ so dunno... probably I don't
You watch both "Chinese" or "American" movies more than any other nationalities in the world. yes... but I dun mind watching~ ^_<
When you say "how are you" in Mandarin, you are actually saying some bad words. Is it?!
You never "french kiss" in the public. Maybe in Canada... hahaha~~~
You speak Cantonese loudly although there are many Americans around. Does that matters?!
You only carry the latest cellular phone. nope... my previous one was a Nokia 3220, now is a Sagem MY-X8
12am is too early for you to sleep. depends
12pm is too early for you to wake up. I have to wake up early everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You never study until the day before the quiz. TRUE!!!
You like to skate. maybe wait until i learned it~
You play badminton. yes, when i was little
You drink vita soy drink. Actually, I like Vita productions~
You wear Seiko and Citizen. AGNES B!!!!!
You eat instant noodles too much. used to, not anymore
You are majoring in engineering or business management. I didn't!!
You read "tsing tao" instead of "world journal" or "china press." I think is Sing Tao... but I read Appledaily~
You like to use Chinese slang. Yes, very much!! Better than any other language!
You don't wear shorts in summers. in hk. Depends~
You never order appetizers at a restaurant. hmm... I do~ in steakhouse~
You wear long sleeves in summer. Don't be silly!!!
Your Chinese handwriting really sucks. Hey, I practice my chinese handwritting, so I'm proud of it, ok?!
You nick a lot of McDonalds' napkins. nah... garbage!!
You ask for extra coffee in McDonalds. I don't drink coffee
You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut. Never succeed!!!!
Your stationeries are full of your favorite cartoon character. yes, Tarepanda~
Your school bag cost well over $1000 dollars and is made of real leather. I wished I have one... better be it Agnes b~
You are known by your foreign friends as somebody who knew martial arts since birth. Excuse me?!
You also have a collection of robot models, built or yet to be built. I have blythe, momoko and WTG dolls~
You call Lexus cars "Luss-us" instead or "Lex-us." Lexus? I pronounce it as Lexus~
If someone buys ANYTHING, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong. Well, It is true!!!
You've bragged about the Hong Kong airport at least once. huh?!
You call bus "bah see." it is CANTONESE
You call cheese "chee see." Please, this is enough!!! told you it is CANTONESE
You call Mercedes Benz cars "Benz- see." I dun like Benz!!!
You see everyone around you with SARS protection mask! Unless they are sick!!!!!!!!!!!
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Hong Kong. See, I'm bored!!!

Got this annoying thing from my friend, and I actually took the time to do it!!!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


今天一大早就準備出門, 因為外面又在下雪!!!! (我超討厭下雪和下雨!!!) 幸好回到公司沒有遲到~

今天悶了一天, 不過還好還是有做生意, 幸好幸好~ 不過, 還是超麻煩的客人, 我講破了喉嚨, 他還是有點搞不懂!! -_- 算了~ 今天有兩個小插區~ 要離開的時候, 我發現自己的鑰匙不見了, 我快哭出來的時候, Andrew 幫我找到啦~ 原來我自己亂放了, 而我又是隻善忘的熊貓... -_-

然後Simon 來了~ 發生了非常搞笑的小插曲~ 我快笑彎了腰~ 不過還是不要說~ 自己笑就好了~

Friday, April 01, 2005


轉眼間, 我在這間公司也做了一年了~ 時間過的好快哦~ 這一年來, 我得到很多, 也失去了一些東西~ 想想剛進這間公司時, 我才失戀沒多久~ 我還在失戀之後的哪天, 用那雙哭腫了的眼睛去面試, 過兩天就叫我上班~ 真想像不到哦!

家裡頭Cable + Internet 的優惠~
有demo line, 可以瘋狂使用GPRS + SMS + MMS~
得到了一些手機的知識 (對, 我所認知的就只是冰山一角罷了)
有自己的車 (對呀, 我每個月付$400供的車)
買了好多CD, VCD, DVD~
做了仔迷~ (這也算嗎? 當然, 沒有工作, 我怎會有錢去買"戰神"VCD? 怎能成為仔迷?! ^+++^)
結識到一些很搞笑的同事--> Padraic, Andrew, Jen~
買了PS2<-- 要不是, 店子對面是賣PS2 的, 我才不會去買~
拿了Inscentive<-- 最多的一次有CAD$1xxx~
第一次, 中了公司的大獎~ (有$400 的Travel Coupon)
多了20lbs 的贅肉!!!!!!!!!

時間!!! (真的... 好多時間都在公司)
學業... 對... >_<

彷彿, 我得到的比失去的多, 可是, 失去的那兩樣東西卻是最寶貴的...

慶幸自己在這一年裡沒有染上什麼惡習~ 幸好幸好~

我想今天是新的開始, 所以, 我要立下新的目標~ 我要踢走我所得到的那20+lbs 的贅肉!!! 多渴水, 多吃水果~ 要嚴禁吃零食!!!