Wednesday, February 23, 2005


我的幸福 Posted by Hello

你知道嗎... 他不是單單一個藝人, 他給了我很多東西, 給了我很好的朋友, 給了我新的人生觀, 給了我精神上的支柱, 給了我夢想... 他可能不曾知道我的存在, 可是, 我還是好想給他從遠方的祝福, 給他我最大的支持(請所有喜歡仔仔的朋友, 購買正版, 這才是對仔仔最大的支持) 他可以把我從不開心的心情一百八十度轉變, 他可以讓我樂到不行, 他可以讓我傾家蕩產購買他的東東, 他可以讓我睡不著, 他可以為我療傷... 仔仔, 謝謝你~ 可能這句謝謝永遠都不可能讓你知道, 但我還是要說~ 真的非常謝謝你~ 希望有那麼一天我可以親口跟你道謝~

說真的, 我真的不知道自己今天是怎麼了... 很傷心... 是一種莫名其妙的傷心... 心裡有一種無力感, 彷彿對所有事情都沒有力氣... 這種感覺困擾了我一整天, 眼淚已經再眼眶裡打轉, 我還是忍著... 精神上的無力感蔓延到身體, 頭痛了一整天, 手也提不起勁, 就連說話也不清楚了...

心情得以恢復是因為我收到了新書, 有兩本是為了仔仔而買~ 一本是大S的"蝴蝶飛了" 這本有一半是為了大S而買, 一半是為了Anna Sui 而買~ 新書一到手就迫不及待看了, 先看了有提到仔仔的哪兩本... 仔仔真的是那個可以給我快樂的人, 只是看別人寫他, 我就忍不住笑了~ 小小的一段文字, 帶給我的卻是心情大改變~ 謝謝仔仔~ ^.^

今晚, 我想要收拾房間... 想把仔仔的東東都收好~ 嗯~ 先給自己立下一個目標, 就看我今晚是否能如期完工~

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I wanna cry....

I feel so bad today... I want to cry... I can feel that my tears is almost on the edge of rolling down my cheeks... I can feel it... I can feel it... I feel that someone just splash salts on my wound... who is it? I feel so tired today... feel like killing myself... feel like leaving this place... leaving this world... going somewhere... and live on my own... what's wrong with me?

Sunday, February 20, 2005


三更半夜, 好想要吃橙~ 有點變態... 哈哈~

昨天收到了An.Kong 從澳洲寄給我的仔仔照片, 開心了一個晚上~ 謝謝An.Kong 決定要給你多一點仔仔的視頻, 只是不曉得你有沒有看過而已~ 不過, 她又說要寄我仔仔的poster... 我實在好感動哦~ 約好了下次回去香港要一起回去... 一起去看仔仔... 嗯~ 約好了!!

今天沒有生意... 好慘的我... 看了一整天的戰神漫畫... 現在比較能把漫畫的劇情記住了... 因為這次比較認真在看呀... 不過, 最近的手好累哦... ~_~ 先不說為什麼, 不然走漏風聲就不好玩了~ 嘿嘿~

夜晚拋下我表妹去跟Jennifer 吃"放" (受仔仔影響中!!! -_-) 去了MHQ, 只是想知道戰神的DVD 到了沒... 好讓我安心... 原來, 功夫也到了... 好... 明天去拿~ 好開心~ 我終於可以看花絮了~ 等了好久哦~ 我想... 明天的我應該超開心的吧~ 最近都超high 的, 不知道為什麼~ -_-?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

This special occasion is no longer meaningful to me~ haha~ But I would still like to wish everyone a very sweet Valentine's Day~ Eat lots of Chocolate!!! Yay!! Anyone give me some Godiva Truffles?! I want~ I love Godiva Truffles~ haha~ Actually, I love CHOCOLATE!!! I want a Starbuck Peppermint mocha~ Yummy!!! Valentine's Day is supposed to be a Chocolate day~ You can leave out flowers... haha... no use~ I would rather have Chocolate~ I wonder how Vic Chou spent his Valentine's Day?! Can he spend it with me?! heehee~ Eva said he will be going to Army soon... >.<>

I bought myself a PS2 yesterday to play GT4~ I'm still learning how to control... but... hahaha~ I got nagged by my mom... then I stopped it and go to my room, locked myself in there... ~_~ I bought the PS2 for the sake of playing GT4.... The graphic is really amazing!!! ^o^ I will wait for a few days, wait for my mom to stop nagging at me, then I will continue to play~ ^+++^

Sunday, February 13, 2005


我想每個人都會有些自己想要堅持的東西... 我也有呀... 今天發現(其實也不是今天才發現) 我從開 始工作到現在買的CD真的很多... 而且, 全都買正版! 我本來也是mp3支持者, 哪個歌手出專輯, 我就去下載, 然後放在MD裡... 以前真的沒什麼錢買CD... 我想我的堅持是因為得到經濟獨立而起吧~

我會買很多CD, 多到我的車快聽不下這麼多CD... 在別人眼中, 我可能是個100%的笨蛋... 但我真的覺得, 一個歌手所付出的努力是應該得到回報~ 而最真切的回報就是買他們的CD~ 欣賞的歌手有很多, 而我也很樂意去聽新人的歌~ 最愛的有周仔仔(很明顯吧~) 周杰倫(我滿喜歡姓周的) 還有李克勤... 好像沒有女歌手... 其實也有啦, 像是楊千嬅(跟自己同姓), 王菲(很早就喜歡她) 和陳慧琳... 這些人出專輯, 我有能力都會去支持...

電影也會買正版VCD, 以前都有用過BT下載... 可是真的很痛苦, 現在都放棄了... 我還是很尊重知識版權~

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year

Would like to wish everyone that bothers to come to my blog a very Happy Chinese New Year!! Good Luck in the year of Roaster~ Take good care of your health~ Stay cheerful~ hmm... whatelse? haha~

I'm quite lazy recently, lazy to upload the pics I want to show you guys, lazy to do everything... >.<>

Finally make up my mind to buy a new mobile phone, but many things are hindering the order process... -_- I really like Sagem MY-X8, it is a really cool phone, with tons of features... some of them are still being very picky, but for me, X8 is the ultimate phone with the features I want. It can even replace an iPod... heehee... I planned on buying an iPod, but, on a second thought, I barely use my own mp3 player... Moreover, the sagem phone can take care of the job, so why bother?!

I almost bought a PS2, actually, will get it sooner or later, but just wait... wait until I got a nice price... haha... I wanna play GT4, GT4... GT4... GT4.... haha... I wanna be able to play PS2 games with Vic~ hahaha... ( Ya... Ya.... Ya... Dream on Girl... )

By the way, the company Chinese New Year dinner was not that great... urgh... it is not yucky, but it just not what we expected... but Vivien told me it is better than last year... oh well... I won the Grand Prize $400 Travel Coupon... but I feel so guilty... Bernice and I got the same bingo ticket... but... I was just closer... I wanted to share the prize or even give the prize to her... but... *sigh*... Jennifer was right, if Bernice was the one who won the prize, she won't share it with me... But.. I just feel bad... am I being too good? I dunno...