Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

This special occasion is no longer meaningful to me~ haha~ But I would still like to wish everyone a very sweet Valentine's Day~ Eat lots of Chocolate!!! Yay!! Anyone give me some Godiva Truffles?! I want~ I love Godiva Truffles~ haha~ Actually, I love CHOCOLATE!!! I want a Starbuck Peppermint mocha~ Yummy!!! Valentine's Day is supposed to be a Chocolate day~ You can leave out flowers... haha... no use~ I would rather have Chocolate~ I wonder how Vic Chou spent his Valentine's Day?! Can he spend it with me?! heehee~ Eva said he will be going to Army soon... >.<>

I bought myself a PS2 yesterday to play GT4~ I'm still learning how to control... but... hahaha~ I got nagged by my mom... then I stopped it and go to my room, locked myself in there... ~_~ I bought the PS2 for the sake of playing GT4.... The graphic is really amazing!!! ^o^ I will wait for a few days, wait for my mom to stop nagging at me, then I will continue to play~ ^+++^


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