Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Super Depressed!!!!

I don't know what happened to me today!! It is such an unlucky day for me!!! When I reached my shop, my car hit someone else's car, mine, only a scratch, maybe I will take back to Mitsubishi to check up, since my first service is due~ I bought paint protection on my car, so the scratch marks should be taken care of. I am super depressed when my car got scratched!!! I love my car more than myself, I wouldn't like my car has scratch marks on!! >.<
I thought everything will be fine, but there is a customer came in to buy paygo card~ He asked a lot of questions, I wasn't aware of the question, and mislead him with wrong information. I know I am not in the mood today, and I'm not doing well. He refuse to take that paygo card, so I have to buy the card personally myself. hai~ $$$ lost!!!
I need someone to cheer me up, to standby me, to give me hope and to change my life!! Penguin!!! Where are you?!?! I needed you!!! I would very much want Vic Chou can be here too! His drama serials, his OST, his album and everything related to him is now my support through all the toughest days!! My mind was all about him!! I don't know if this is crazy or not, but his presence would definitely change my life.
I had enough of depression today. Please, no more unlucky things!!


At 1:26 AM, Blogger mummyesther said...

panda ar....
I am here la..
Do u know ..u can contact me via starhub website?
U know that,right??????????????????????


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Cindy Panda said...

I know ar~~
But I still wanna say I missed you babe~


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