Sunday, August 27, 2006



每晚作夢都好開心, 因為都可以像朋友一般跟仔聊天~ 其實我最大的期望真的只是想跟仔做朋友, 可以聊關於電動, 車, 好多好多東西~ 這樣, 我就已經覺得夠了!

好想真的可以這樣子做朋友, 不過, 真的很難吧! 他在台北, 我在多倫多!

夢醒後都有幸福的感覺, 雖然可能在夢裡只是很普通的說說笑, 玩玩PSP這樣子, 可是, 這已足夠我開心一整天!

真的很慶幸自己7月有去台灣, 能看到仔仔一面! 這是我這輩子最最最幸福的事! 也將會是我這輩子最珍惜最寶貴的回憶! 今生能如此欣賞一個藝人, 為他做出我自己認為最瘋狂的事, 我不枉此生了! 在仔仔眼裡可能, 我們這些外地粉絲所做的一切都不怎麼值得, 因為他常認為我們不該花那麼多錢! 可是仔, 你知道嗎, 在我的心裡, 一切一切都是值得! 當然, 我不全然為了仔才去台北, 只是剛好有這個機會, 讓我到台北晃一圈, 然後還可以配合仔在台灣的宣傳! 而且這一次讓我愛上台北這個城市! 值得呀!

仔仔, 我永遠支持你! 永遠為你加油! 請你務必要繼續努力, 拍更多的好戲!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

書, CD, VCD & DVD

我愛書, 雖未至於愛書如命, 但見到好書都會把它們全搬回家! 我沒有特別喜歡什麼類型的書, 只要好看有趣或喜歡那個作者就會買~ 像這次出征到台灣, 我就買了好多書, 漫畫, 小說, 勵志的都有~ 在誠品還想把整套金庸搬回家, 可是想想自己真的沒位了!! 我希望我將來的家可以有一間書房, 四面都是書, 有電視, CD Player, 還有DVD, 我想我就可以把自己關在那裡, 都不用出來! 不過, 這間房還要有位子容納一張舒服的沙發, 還有很多的抱枕, 那我就可以舒舒服服的看書~

我還很會買CD, 好聽的就買, 或者某些特定的歌手都會買! 以前比較愛買香港歌手, 但現在都變成台灣的多~ 幸好自己還沒掉進日本CD的深淵, 不然, 我想我會死的很慘! 一定買的歌手有周渝民(仔仔) 不為別的, 只因為喜歡他! 周杰倫, 我覺得, 要嘛你就喜歡他的歌, 不然你就討厭他! 陶(吉吉) 他的名子好特別, 很喜歡他! F.I.R 好久才一張CD, 所以一定抱回家! 羅志祥(小豬) 跳舞好好看! 我現在大多都買台灣的, 因為覺得他們做音樂比較認真, 不是說香港沒有, 只是, 好多都太過商業化了, 聽一個星期你就悶了, 不值得買!

我買VCD 或DVD 最好, 因為我是哪種一齣戲可以看十遍以上的人 (當然要好看啦!!) 我買回家之後一定看, 然後閒著沒事做又拿起來看, 每一次看都有不同你感覺! 我看過最多次的應該是戰神, 真的很好看, 仔把陳零給演活了! (多少有一點因為仔的關係!) 再來有惡魔在身邊, 這齣戲讓我喜歡上楊承琳而不是賀軍翔, 應該是惡男宅急電才讓我留意他! 宮--野蠻王妃也是我重看的很多的戲劇, 也是唯一一部韓劇能讓我覺得不悶! 最近期待著仔的Silence--深情密碼 DVD, 好心急哦! 我不敢看太多關於Silence 的東西, 因為我還沒開始看呢!!

我家裡最多就是這些東西~ 哈~ 房間快沒位讓我睡啦!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


我是台灣人? 不是, 那為什麼愛台灣?

我愛仔仔, 而仔仔又在台灣~ 哈~

1. 我愛仔仔, 而仔仔又在台灣~
2. 我愛誠品
3. 我愛台灣的sales~
4. 我愛台灣好吃的~
5. 我愛忠孝東路~
6. 我愛微風廣場~
7. 我愛Honey Daniels~ 鞋子好舒服~
8. 我愛台灣的Muji~ 比香港的更好~
9. 我愛新光三越~
10. 我愛西門町~
11. 我愛士林夜市~
12. 我愛Tamago Ya~
13. 我愛誠品信義店
14. 我愛Animate~
15. 我愛台灣人很有禮貌~
16. 我愛繼光香香雞~
17. 我愛Pepper Lunch~
18. 我愛烤香腸~
19. 我愛Yoplait Yogurt~
20. 我愛雞蛋布丁~
21. 我愛Chocoholic~
22. 我愛台灣鼎泰豐~
23. 我愛康熙來了~
24. 我愛娛樂百分百~
25. 我愛愛玉冰
26. 我愛豪大大炸雞排~
27. 我愛葡萄柚茶~
28. 我愛養樂多~
29. 我愛肉包子~
30. 我愛滷味~

所以... 我愛台灣!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Taiwan Trip

Taiwan, the city I longed for the most!! I want to meet Vic in Taiwan~ It is so hard to see him in Canada!!! The food, the varity of books, everything in this city is going to be an experience for me!

28/7-- KA480 to TPE~ heehee~ The long expected trip!! I'm determined to leave HK on the 28th, since Vic's autograph session is tomorrow! Yeah!! Settled down at the hotel I booked!! Then went out to Ximen Ding~ Walked around and I started to look for Eslite bookstore~ I need to look for the pictorial book of Silence~ Asked a few people to finally get to Eslite~ Long long espected~ I was really amazed by the size and the atmosphere of the bookstore in Taiwan! Got my books alright~ Got some other books as well~ Then walked back to Ximen Ding, went to look for some good food to eat, we tasted a lot of good food~ Went to animate, got 2 sets of the comics! Then went back to the hotel to get rest, 'coz I need to be in good condition tomorrow for the autograph session~ hahaha~

29/7-- Woke up @ around 8.15am, get ready to leave @ around 9a.m~ Breeze centre is not too difficult to look for, since I'm all prepared! My only worry is that they might change the location without my notice, since I don't have access to the internet for the last few days, thanks to my sucky laptop!! I thought I were ones of those that arrived early, but I was wrong, there are 100+ ppls arrived before I do~ There is one eve arrived before 4a.m.!!! Amazing!!! Vic's definitely has his own charm!! (Of 'coz, if not I won't be here waiting for him!!) Started waiting until around 12noon the host start giving out the number for the queue~ Then I found out that Vic will sign the OST from silence as well, I went to look for it and hoping to get one~ Couldn't find it @ the Breeze centre!! *sad* Since fans will be starting to queue up @ 1p.m. then I went out to the open area to look around and see that they are going to sell the OST as well!! Lucky me!!! Bought 2 OST, one for myself and the other one for Angela~ Hoping to get it autographed for her!! Started to queue up, it was a mess!!! Everyone is just to excited to meet Vic!! There are a lot of Japanese fans!!! Amazing!!! Vic arrived as a Charming prince (as usual!) I started taking loads of picture on the very minute he arrived!!! haha~ He is super *100000000000000000000000000 Handsome!!! The very first time I see him in real person!! I'm dozed!!! I knew that my trip isn't wasted!!!! I knew that I did the right thing!! I knew that all the money I spent on his goods are all worth it!!! Hoping Vic will excel in his own career with my little help~ I took loads of pics!!! Will post some of them up when I'm back home with my computer!!! When it comes to my turn to ask him to autograph my book, I requested to shake his hand and he is just so super nice and I almost fainted on the spot!!! I almost can't utter any words when I see him so close to me!!! My heart just seems to stop beating on the very moment he shaked my hand!!! Is there another person in this world that will be just as amazing as him? I don't think so!! I didn't loose my attire, acted as normal as possible!! Trying to be as polite and tell him that I came all the way from Canada!!! Hoping he will remember me!! His voice is just so tender and it just drive right into youur heart on the very moment you hear him talking to you!!! I am just too drolled by him and I couldn't find any words to describe how big the impact is on my mind!! I felt that he is the only one that I will be so crazy for!!! I almost can't make myself off the stage once he finished signing!!! Oh my gosh!! My apologies to Angela here, 'coz I couldn't get her set to autographed by Vic, I'm so sorry, they only can sign one set!!! I wanted to wait for the whole session to end, but I couldn't since Mo is waiting for me @ the hotel!! When I went back to the hotel, I saw myself is a burnt panda!! My hands and my nose went red!!! I prespire a lot, I got myself all sun burnt, my hands and nose hurt to death!! But I know that all this are just worth it!! Went back to the hotel and met up with Mo, told him I'm so happy, I'm so greatful that I met Vic and got to shake hand with him, and we went to Taipei Main station to go to the bookstores together!! I bought some other books!!! Then we went back to the hotel to put down our stuffs! Went to Ximen Ding to eat something and went back to the hotel~ I am happy, contented and exhausted for today! Got to watch Mike He's Marrying Me and saw that he is going to hold an autograph session as well just outside my hotel on tomorrow, so I probably will go and have a look~ But I will get myself some good sleep tonight first!!!

30/7-- Woke up around 9 and then went down for some breakfast, then Mo go back to sleep again!! I watched TV for a while! Went out to the Red Brick Opera house @ around 1p.m. this is where Mike's autograph session is going to hold~ Not as much fans as yesterday! But it was definitely fun!! The sun is as usual SUNNY!!!! Mike is quite handsome in real person, but he didn't give me the big bang impact as Vic do!! haha~ Got his autograph, he is nice, talked to me and write Panda on my book!! heeheee~ Didn't wait until they finish, since I don't want to waste my time to go to Eslite @ Xin Yi~ The 6 Storeies Eslite building! Meet up with Mo then we set out again! I bought some magazines of Vic's and some books too~ Went to Shi Lin night market to have dinner with my super heavy books!! Ate the amazing fried chicken and ai yu bing~ Nice~ Walked around and I also find the chance to look for my Nike, finally got it @ a sport shop~ a little bit expensive!! Never mind I just love it too much! haha~ Exhausted as usual!! Sleep early, but I missed my chance to watch Silence! :(

31/7-- Today is the Taiwanese Valentine's Day~ We slept until 1+~ haha~ Went to find something to eat and to check out about the postaage! Went to Xin Guang Mitsukoshi and bought some Shu Uemura~ Tired, Jen is coming tomorrow!!