Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Latest Development

最 新 發 展
海 嘯 周 日 席 捲 東 南 亞 、 南 亞 和 東 非 十 一 國 , 直 至 昨 天 災 情 更 嚴 峻 。 隨 災 後 七 十 二 小 時 黃 金 搶 救 時 間 過 去 , 災 區 已 知 死 亡 人 數 攀 升 至 八 萬 人 , 紅 十 字 會 估 計 死 亡 人 數 可 能 超 過 十 萬 。 雖 然 全 球 史 無 前 例 的 救 災 行 動 展 開 , 但 遠 水 難 救 近 火 , 斯 里 蘭 卡 已 響 起 疫 症 爆 發 警 號 , 聯 合 國 官 員 說 當 地 已 開 始 收 到 麻 疹 和 腹 瀉 報 告 , 世 界 生 組 織 警 告 一 旦 疫 症 爆 發 , 死 亡 人 數 可 能 增 加 一 倍 。 重 災 區 死 亡 和 失 蹤 人 數 節 節 上 升 , 印 尼 官 方 公 布 死 亡 人 數 達 四 萬 五 千 二 百 六 十 八 人 , 聯 合 國 官 員 發 出 更 嚇 人 數 字 : 離 九 級 大 地 震 震 央 最 近 的 印 尼 亞 齊 省 , 當 地 恐 怕 有 多 達 八 萬 人 罹 難 。 至 於 斯 里 蘭 卡 死 亡 人 數 逾 二 萬 二 千 , 印 度 是 一 萬 二 千 五 百 人 , 但 印 度 失 蹤 者 眾 , 單 是 據 報 有 超 過 三 萬 人 失 蹤 的 兩 個 群 島 中 的 尼 科 巴 群 島 , 附 近 五 分 一 居 民 不 是 死 亡 就 是 受 傷 或 失 蹤 。 泰 國 死 亡 人 數 達 一 千 六 百 人 , 蔻 立 的 死 亡 人 數 可 能 升 至 三 千 人 。 而 目 前 在 災 區 內 失 蹤 的 外 國 人 已 經 超 過 三 千 五 百 人 , 包 括 一 千 五 百 名 瑞 典 人 、 八 百 名 挪 威 人 、 二 百 多 名 丹 麥 人 和 二 百 名 芬 蘭 人 。

Hoping for a better 2005

The year 2004 wasn't a very good year for me, though I got my own job, my own car, but things still not moving quite smoothly as it should. Moreover, on boxing day, the South Asia Countries was hitted by a devastating Earthquake and Tsunami, I just hope that things can get better for everyone. Let's hope for a better 2005, whether it is for me, my country or even mother Earth.
Live your life with no regrets~

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The devastating Earthquake and Tsunami

This weekend is definitely a devastating one to Southern Asia Countries. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the Tsunami that comes with it, had bought over 50,000 people to death. The numbers are still rising, since communicable disease breakout with insufficient clean water and proper sanitation. I couldn't help to think, was this really a population clear out?! I remembered my Ecology professor said, everything has a limit, there is not infinite growth in a population. Are the human populations taking way too much from our Earth and it is complaining?! Or, is it Jesus want to punished us for being so rebelious? I don't know, and I'm no one to judge. I just know that, I was devastated too with the news. I couldn't help to think, lifes are so vulnerable, why can't we just cherish everyday we have? Why can't we just love everyone and stop all the unneccessary wars? Why can't we just live everyday to the fullest and when it is time for us to leave, we can have no regrets. We are forcing our earth to function at an abnormal condition, where by the population right now is 3X Earth could hold.
As I was reading the news today, tears just rolled down my cheeks, I could feel I'm still alive, but is there any guarantee that I would still be alive tomorrow? Would there be another earthquake or tsumani hit the North American countries? I don't know. I just feel that the majority Canadian are not bothered by the disaster caused. I know life must go on, no point mourning over an incident that has already occured, but, people in another part of the world are suffering from the lost of family members, the loved ones, their homes and everything. Lifes goes on, let's just hope for a better tomorrow~

Sunday, December 12, 2004

My First Tiffany~

I was super sleepy today, 'coz I watched MGII until 5am this morning, and only get 2-3hrs of sleep!! When I reach 08, I almost can sleep anytime... >.<>

My mom went to downtown and Yorkdale for shopping, I know she is going to Tiffany to buy me X'mas present, and I know exactly which one she is going to buy, so there is no surprise at all! But no matter what, I still feel very happy when I receive the package. My first Tiffany necklace, the next one I will buy is the 1837 ring, and the open heart bracelet... I love those the most.... Tiffany is so exquisite and simple... I really love Tiffany~ ^_^

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Every sunday, we get a lot of activation, like today, we get 8 new activations. Usually, I will get most of the activations. Andrew will only get a few only. I feel so terribly sorry, as I didn't mean to snatch any activation away from him. Probably, I am always here, so i get many customer really coming back to do new activation with me.
I got my new Nokia 3220 on friday, start liking to use it. I think the reception is better, at least better than my Inno 90, but I'm thinking of buying another one. (That's me!! always thinking of switching phones! :p)
Will be having dinner at an Japanese rest tonight~

Friday, December 03, 2004

New Bloggie~

I don't know what drives me to create this blog. Anyway, here I am, typing this blog, sharing my daily life with the rest of the world. Today is my best friend -- Esther's birthday, I called her using my cellphone... ( I will die when I get my wireless bill... ~_~) She was with KW when I called her... I missed her so much... @_@ Would like to wish her well and have a joyful birthday~ Next year, will try to celebrate her birthday with her~